Thinking of adopting?
Please scroll all the way down to find our application and complete the 3 step process. Do not complete an application on Petfinder or AdoptAPet.
Our adoption process is designed to ensure you and your new pet are a good fit.
After your application is received and approved you can set up an appointment to come out and meet your newest family member.
LaMancha is open by appointment only to approved adoption applicants. The rescue is located on the grounds of a private residence therefore there are no visiting hours.
LaMancha Animal Rescue uses two websites to aide in helping our residents find the very best homes. Click on our partner logos, or scroll down to check out petfinder, and find your rescue love.
We do our best to keep these sites updated, but with the amount of adoptions and incoming animals changing on a daily basis we may get a little behind. But have no fear, our Facebook page and Instagram accounts are always brimming with our animal's sweet faces. You can always ask one of our volunteers or email us at volunteer@lamanchaanimalrescue.org for information on a certain dog.