Welcome to LaMancha Animal Rescue. Since 2005, we have been a qualified public charity under IRS section 501(c)3. LaMancha maintains a forty-five acre facility for rescuing dogs, cats, pigs, goats, horses, and the occasional exotic animal that requires more space or specialized
knowledge than most SPCAs can offer.
We have two heated and air-conditioned kennels for dogs, each dog is housed in a run where they have indoor/outdoor access. There is a heated and air-conditioned building dedicated to cats, which is free range, no cages.
LaMancha is staffed primarily with volunteers, we currently have an active list of approximately two hundred. These volunteers care for the animals, exercise the dogs, either on walking trails, or large exercise fields. We try and take in the harder-to-place dogs, that wouldn’t have a good chance to be adopted in public shelters.
We have gained a reputation for saving and rehoming Pyrenean Mountain Dogs, known in North America as the Great Pyrenees. These large dogs are known for their gentle temperament as well as their independent streak. When you visit LaMancha, the famous “white dogs of LaMancha” are usually amongst the first to greet you.
Welcome to LaMancha Animal Rescue. Since 2005, we have been a qualified public charity under IRS section 501(c)3. LaMancha maintains a forty-five acre facility for rescuing dogs, cats, pigs, goats, horses, and the occasional exotic animal that requires more space or specialized
knowledge than most SPCAs can offer. We have two heated and air-conditioned kennels for dogs, each dog is housed in a run where they have indoor/outdoor access. There is a heated and air-conditioned building dedicated to cats, which is free range, no cages. LaMancha is staffed primarily with volunteers, we currently have an active list of approximately two hundred. These volunteers care for the animals, exercise the dogs, either on walking trails, or large exercise
fields. We try and take in the harder-to-place dogs, that wouldn’t have a good chance to be adopted in public shelters.
We have gained a reputation for saving and rehoming Pyrenean Mountain Dogs, known in North America as the Great Pyrenees. These large dogs are known for their gentle temperament as well as their independent streak. When you visit LaMancha, the famous “white dogs of LaMancha” are usually amongst the first to greet you.
A powerful story about making a difference.
A vacationing businessman was walking along a beach when he saw a young boy. Along the shore were many starfish that had been washed up by the tide and were sure to die before the tide returned.
The boy walked slowly along the shore and occasionally reached down and tossed the beached starfish back into the ocean. The businessman, hoping to teach the boy a little lesson in common sense, walked up to the boy and said, "I have been watching what you are doing, son. You have a good heart, and I know you mean well, but do you realize how many beaches there are around here and how many starfish are dying on every beach every day. Surely such an industrious and kind hearted boy such as yourself could find something better to do with your time.
Do you really think that what you are doing is going to make a difference?
The boy looked up at the man, and then he looked down at a starfish by his feet. He picked up the starfish, and as he gently tossed it back into the ocean, he said, "It makes a difference to that one."